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K-12 Education
in Corporate & Professional Education
Harassment, Bullying & Cyber-Intimidation in Schools (UPDL 30 PDP's online) EDUC 008.51, CRN 35212
Discusses definitions and the personal, social, and legal ramifications associated with sexual harassment, bullying, and cyber-intimidation, explore preventative strategies as well as how school staff can address these issues when they occur. A clear understanding of what constitutes harassment and the harmful effects of harassment on people and institutions is essential to providing a safe and inclusive school environment for all.
30 Undergraduate Level PDP’s.
Students must achieve at least an average 70% in all exams with no exam below 60%.
Implementing Core Standards EDUC 026.51, CRN 16402
Implementing Core Standards EDUC 026.52, CRN 16403
Inclusion EDUC 009.52, CRN 16377
Inclusion: Working with Students with Special Needs in Classrooms (GPDL 40 PDP's online) EDUC 009.52, CRN 35215
Understand concepts and terms related to educating students in inclusive classrooms and learn about the continuum of placements school systems can use in providing special education services to students with disabilities. Course also identifies and describes the roles and responsibilities of special and general educators in inclusive classrooms. 40 Graduate PDP’s This course requires additional writing assignments. Students must achieve at least an average of 80% in all exams with no exam below 70%.
Inclusion: Working with Students with Special Needs in Classrooms (UPDL 30 PDP's online ) EDUC 009.51, CRN 15215
Inclusion: Working with Students with Special Needs in Classrooms (UPDL 30 PDP's online ) EDUC 009.51, CRN 35214
Understand concepts and terms related to educating students in inclusive classrooms and learn about the continuum of placements school systems can use in providing special education services to students with disabilities. Course also identifies and describes the roles and responsibilities of special and general educators in inclusive classrooms. 30 Undergraduate Level PDP’s. Students must achieve at least an average 70% in all exams with no exam below 60%.