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Money, Investment & Estate Planning
in Personal Enrichment
Retirement Planning Today MONY 009.51, CRN 15402

Will you be financially ready to retire at the age you're planning? If you haven't started planning, how do you begin the process? In this comprehensive retirement planning course, learn strategies on how to: create your own goals for a successful retirement; plan your retirement income to preserve a comfortable standard of living; transfer the risk of potential losses before and during retirement; remain financially flexible during retirement; reduce or
eliminate taxes, expenses, delays and legal challenges with estate planning. Program includes free Text/Reference Guide and Personal Financial Fact Finder. Non-credit tuition includes couples. Instructor Jack Yvon.
Social Security Income Enhancing Strategies MONY 062.51, CRN 15404

Many people start taking social security as soon as possible… but is this the best choice for you? Learn how to maximize your social security and survivor benefits. Strategies for those that are single, married, divorced and widowed will be discussed. Cost of living adjustments, taxation of benefits and working while collecting social security will be explained. Coordinating other retirement accounts with social security distributions and Required Minimum Distribution rules will be explained to assist you in making informed decisions. Workbook included. Instructor: Susan Allen.
Trusts 101 LEGL 013.51, CRN 16986

Students will be given a high-level overview of Trusts, starting with a description of the essential features of a Trust. From that foundation, Revocable, Irrevocable, Testamentary, and Special Needs Trusts will be discussed in detail. The uses and important features for each type of Trust will be explained. Also covered will be how to fund each type of Trust to ensure the Trust achieves the desired outcome. The instructor will explain the difference between the three types of Special Needs Trusts, which are First Party, Third Party, and Pooled. The instructor invites and encourages questions throughout the course. Instructor Atty Karen G. Jackson